Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Blog!

   Happy 2013! (We survived the faux-pocalypse, yay!) With the arrival of a new year comes a chance for change and improvement. While I have a few personal resolutions, the one change/goal that really applies to the RR blog is this: I'm not reading as much as I used to. Because I'm not reading as much, I'm not blogging as much. Not because I don't like reading anymore, but because my interests have expanded... I'm cooking and baking a bit more, and unlike last year, I have a nice monthly paycheck! These paychecks mean that I've been able to sample some very nice beauty products that were basically unavailable to me before working ;) So, to make a long story short, Remarkable Reads is transforming into... *drumroll* Remarkable 3 - Reads, Eats, and Beauty! And not only that, but a veryveryvery close friend of mine will be posting on the blog as well.
   People change over time. Friends change, interests change, priorities change... and blogs change as well. I'll still be posting book reviews, but now I can have more fun with blogging! And I have a partner in crime, which makes things even more interesting.

   I hope that 2013 brings lots of good times and great blog posts :)


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